Work with me

 Forget ’’Trending''. It's time to march to the beat of your own drum.

Social media can be a daunting, constantly evolving space that often has us holding on by a thread.

Whether it's updates, dancing videos, or skewed image sizes, we're forced to adapt to IT rather than do what works best for US. I'm here to tell you, I believe we can do the latter while also kicking butt and propagating an authentic online presence. As an unknown, ever-changing landscape, managing our own social media comes with a lot of these types of moments.

Raise your hand if you've ever:

🖐🏽 Thrown your phone elsewhere (preferably on a soft surface, but not always) to remove the cause of your frustration (your phone) from your hands

🖐🏽 Propped your phone up against a random surface in order to learn a dance for Reels or Tiktok, only to fail miserably and eventually, look more like a penguin waddling than a human

🖐🏽 Taken an hour or more to pick out the best song for your Reel...

🖐🏽 Finally got the hang of something, only for Instagram to completely remove or update that feature...

🖐🏽Sat down to brainstorm content ideas and wound up with an absolutely incredible big fat NOTHING.

Well I'm here to tell you that some of those instances likely won't change,

but here's what will:

👉🏽 No more wondering why, after giving your social media so much TLC, there isn’t more growth and alignment with your ideal clients or customers.

👉🏽 You'll revel in the freedom you now have to grow other aspects of your business without dropping the ball on your engagement and online presence.

👉🏽 There is now a clear vision for your next steps that makes sense for YOUR business, regardless of what the gurus say and what you might feel "obligated" to do.

✨We don't blame the algorithm here. We're too clever for that. We take ownership of ourselves, and how we show up. And that, my queen, is what I'm here to help you do.✨ 




This is your chance to sit down with me for a game plan completely tailored to your business. We'll work together to bring your fullest self to your online presence while building out a strategic content plan that will serve as a backbone to your in-house management.

  • You’ve laid the foundations for your social media, but don’t know where to go from there - You’ve just started a new business and need a framework to use to organically manage your social media platform - You’ve rebranded and need a total social media makeover and refresh to rebuild the coherency you once had. - You’re getting ready to launch a new service and need to naturally promote your offering - Your social media is getting repetitive and you need creative content solutions - You struggle to maintain coherency from platform to platform

  • 🐆 30-min Complimentary Vision Session

    🐆 Social Media Audit + Strategy

    🐆 2x 1-Hour Consultations

    🐆 1 Monthly Content Calendar + Ideas

  • $450 one-time





A winning social media management program designed and personalized to hit your business goals!

  • Knee-deep in your business and ready to hand over the keys to your social media management. Someone who wants to focus your attention on doing what you do best in your business while trusting someone else to engage, create, and copy-write in the same brand voice to maintain authenticity. Maybe a littttle tired of keeping up with all of the social media updates and how to use the algorithm to your advantage.

  • 🐆 30-min Complimentary Vision Session

    🐆 1-Hr Onboarding

    🐆 Social Media Audit + Strategy 1x

    🐆 Monthly Social Media Plan + Posting

    🐆 Monthly Call

    🐆 Content Development Guide


    Canva Template Creation for IG Posts and Stories, Customized IG Story Backgrounds for use, 1x Graphic a week, 2x Reel production a week


    This service includes up to ONE additional social media platform. You can choose from LinkedIn, YouTube, or TikTok. Together, we can assess your needs and tailor a game plan for any additional platform needs.


    As we move into content and copywriting, I will completely and coherently take ownership of the voice you have cultivated on your social media, while buttering it up with keywords to highlight your brand (and what sets you apart) even more.


    Together, you and I will carve out the answers to your Frequently Asked Questions, craft explanatory responses that are quick and easy to use the moment opportunity strikes. I do NOT employ cold-messaging as an engagement tactic. These FAQs are simply to help me answer inquiries on social media. Also included in engagement: responses to comments, direct messages, interactive stories, and Live videos.


    This monthly call will address our wins, what we can improve on, ideas, and ways to pivot, and will occur before the start of the next month so that I can get your ideas for any topics you want to discuss with your audience. This call will be your opportunity to address any changes you’d like me to implement and to provide your feedback.

  • $2,200/ month with a 3-month commitment




A strategy deep-dive for launching your new business offering


About to launch a new service and need personalized next steps catered to maximizing your social media presence that encourages organic interest and sales!


🐆 30-min Complimentary Vision Session

🐆 Personalized Strategy

🐆 1-1 Strategy Walk-Through

🐆 2-4 Week Ramp-Up Content + Copy Guide


$250 one-time

 The Process

  • First, you’ll set up a complimentary 30-minute Vision Session with me where we flesh out where your business is at, where you want your business to go, and how we can leverage your social media strategy to get you there. This will be a quick Zoom call to get the full spectrum of your social media needs.

    Once this is clarified and you're ready to forever change how you manage your social media, I send you over a proposal and contract, and we get ready for expansive growth with an in-depth onboarding!

  • The Onboarding has two parts:

    First - We take a deep dive into getting to know one another. This is where I get to know the heart of who you are, your dreams, your WHY, and how you best serve others!

    Second - At the tail end of our meeting, we’ll swap account information and trade access to business files like photos, videos, podcasts, workbooks or e-book material, and courses, so that I have the full extent of content to use as I craft your one month of content ideas.

  • In order to make changes for the future, I need to know what we’re working with!

    After our Onboarding, I’ll take a peek at what you’re currently sharing to your social media account, what the engagement is like, and your overall analytics to help us measure the progress we make with your account.

  • We take what you’re excelling at, and amplify it, while turning the areas for greater impact into your strengths.

    My strategy for you is based on the following:

    1. Pinpointing your unique set of experiences and strengths for us to leverage

    2. Clear understanding of your audience’s demographics, where they show up, and how we can meet them there

    3. Social Listening (to what your ideal clients are doing, what’s being talked about, and what they want) and Hashtag Research

    4. Defining your business’s content pillars- this is the orbit in which from henceforth, all social media content will be centered around.

    5. Your capacity to give. Help me help you by continuing to do what you do best- whether it be writing a blog, podcasting, filming videos, or creating courses. My ability to assist you with flow out of how much you create for your people!

    6. Cadence and Consistency. No two businesses are the same when it comes to sharing their creations, but we’ll begin with weekly themes to guide us on how and when we can best reach your people!

    7. Engagement. Social media is just that…. social. It takes forming a give-and-give kind of relationship between you and the people who interact with your content, so it’s important that you’re taking the time to stay engaged through comments, direct messages, interactive stories, and Live videos

 Ready to get started?