
Roxanne Carne, Personal Stylist

copywriting, engagement, content creation, light graphic design, blogging

Roxanne's goals for her social media channels were to increase her visibility. We started with Instagram, incorporated reels, and used quality shot + edited videos for continuous usage on Youtube and Instagram.

As her Creative Director, I crafted monthly content plans that orbited her work with her clients, speaking at events, and guest spots. Because of this, her YouTube following grew and the invitations to speak skyrocketed. She is a hard lady to miss!

In Case of emergence, astrology

Graphic design, content creation, Strategy

My first ever solely retail business working with, In Case of Emergence is " a collaboration between astrologer Britten LaRue and creative director Angela George. Together, they created life-changing tools that are consistently smart, unexpected, and deep in order to nurture your self-healing and liberate your truth."

The biggest social media goal for In Case of Emergence has been heightened engagement between vendors and their audience for enhanced sales. Together, we launched an Instagram Shop, promoted events, and created wholesale discounts, all with the desire to inspire and nourish others with astrological wisdom.

mixed vintage, online retail

branding, graphic design, copywriting, blogging

Mixed Vintage, owned and operated by yours truly, did an overhaul on its brand identity. Just as one person never stays the same, I found neither did the brand that person represented and thus, I wanted to better represent who I was as Mixed Vintage.

The goal was identity, and making sure that no matter how often I changed as a person, I had a brand, visuals, and collection of vintage goods that were just as adaptable. While I no longer actively run my vintage shop, I do look back on fondness at the way I began to curate my social media presence through graphics, brand colors, and my own story, the same way I curated all that funky clothes.

Electric Feels Studios, Tattoos

copywriting, engagement

For Dre and Amanda, Electric Feels Studios owners, their goal was to sustain momentum. After a year since opening their tattoo/photography studio doors, they hired diverse and multitalented women artists as a representation of all the amazing things we ladies can do.

As I stepped in to fill the social media manager role, I took up my mantle on their brand voice. Now, you can't find one caption without a playful air! It was especially fun to be part of them hitting 10K Followers!

Britten LaRue, Astrologer

graphic design, content creation, social media management, Strategy

Britten's goals for her social media have been centered around growing a community of engaged astrocurious people and around growing her reach and the level of service she brings through her business and online containers. As the creator of Emergence Astrology, it was important to show off her strengths in teaching, in understanding ancient symbolism, and in her swift wordsmithing (or word-witching as we say).

As I stepped in to fill the social media manager role, I took up my mantle on their brand voice. Now, you can't find one caption without a playful air! It was especially fun to be part of them hitting 10K Followers!